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번호 제목 작성자 작성일 조회
31   Jul. 2020. Our collaborative work with the Seo group at KAIST and the Kim group at CBNU on mixed matrix membranes for CO2 separation was just accepted in ACS Applied Nano Materials. Congrats to Hyun Jung!


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30   Dec. 2019. Jeong Uk Ryu just joined the group as an undergraduate researcher. Welcome!


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29   Dec. 2019. Dr. Cho has been appointed as an assistant professor at Pukyong National University. Wish the best of luck in your new position at PNU!


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28   Nov. 2019. Our second collaborative work with the Kang group at National Taiwan University was just published in Journal of Membrane Science. Many congrats to Mr. Jin Woo Oh and Dr. Cho! Our work on carbon molecular sieve membranes for C3H6/C3H8 separati


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27   Oct. 2019. Ju Ho received the best poster award in the Separation Technology Session at 2019 KIChE Fall. Many congrats to Ju Ho! Cheol Hun's second paper on Sharkskin-mimetic RO membrane was accepted in J. Membr. Sci. Many congrats to Cheol Hun!


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26   Aug. 2019. Our collaborative work with Prof. Dun-Yen Kang at National Taiwan University and Prof. Li-Chiang Lin at Ohio State University was published in Chemistry of Materials. Congrats to Ju Ho!


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25   May. 2019. Jin Woo Oh received the best poster award at The Membrane Society of Korea Spring Meeting 2019. Congratulations!


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24   Nov. 2018. Hyun Jung Yu received the 2019 WISET·MSK Young Researcher Award. Congratulations!


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23   Oct. 2018. Our paper on the high flux carbon molecular sieve hollow fiber membranes for CO2/CH4 separation was accepted in Journal of Membrane Science.


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22   Sep. 2018. Our paper on the thermal stability-enhanced fiber sorbents for CO2 capture was accepted in Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research.


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